Tuesday, October 21, 2008

a beautiful day indeed

i got to experience one of the most beautiful things in the world yesterday.. it started about a month ago when erin asked if amy, taryn and i wanted to be in the room when faye was born. I was so excited and honored to be asked, and said yes right away! So, as it goes erin was pretty much in labor for like two weeks and every night i was going to bed with the hopes of getting a phone call from lane. I swore away alcohol( sort of) and got more and more excited each day. I couldn't wait to meet her. I'm so close to Claire and couldn't believe that i got to hang out with a little version of her again! So, on October 20 Erin called and said she lost her mucus plug( pretty much everyone that reads these are moms, so get over it) and was probably going to have this baby. I went to work and stared at my phone all day. That night around 11 i got the call.. i was already dressed and got in my car and drove the 100 ft to the hospital. I got there and lane was in the hall waiting for me to get to the room, and what happend next changed my life... erin was in the middle of a contraction. i wasn't really sure what to do or where to stand or if i should talk. as soon as erin let go of the the side rail of her bed she looked up at me and smiled. she was so pretty even in labor! I loved that i was there.. soon after that erins contractions started to get pretty intense and i stared to get pretty emotional( of course, im always the friend crying). it was just hard to see my friend in so much pain, and not being able to do anything for her. but then leilah(im sure i spelt that wrong) came and was seriously a gift from God! she is amazing at what she does and truley is a blessing to any woman having a baby.. and once she got there things heated up and i got a little freaked out. i think, looking back that it was too stuffy and i sort of forgot to breath regularly, resulting in a ghost-white face and falling into a chair almost barfing. not cool. a nurse then had to take me outside and proceeded to push my head between my legs. i felt like a huge idiot, erin was inside pushing out a baby and i was outside trying to breath! but, i told myself to get over it and walked back in there to see erin basically getting ready to push. the rest was such a crazy blurr... erin was so strong and did an amazing job.. i was so moved i just cried and prayed! then before you know it faye came out in like 8 good pushes.. she was beautiful. i have never seen anything so mind blowing and am sooo grateful to have been in the room. Im pretty scared to have a baby one day, but im totally going to have erin in the room with me and that makes me feel better. im so blessed to have been there and cant wait to watch faye grow up..life is so good!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Noelle, cool... I'm crying. I love you so much and I'm soo soo thankful that you got to be a part of that night. Knowing you were there was a good feeling. It helped me want to be stronger... for you. I'm glad that you got to experience it with me and I hope that I get to be there with you one day. Thanks for being so wonderful to our family. I love you forever.